Learning from COVID-19 to Enhance Network Resilience

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
LAU CC(1), KWAN YK(1), NG YY(1), TAM EMYY(1), CHEUNG HF(1), LIANG J(2), CHAO FW(3), MAK MY(4), KWAN WS(4), CHAN WY(5), KAM KW(6), LAU OY(6), CHENG SM(6), LI KL(6), AU YEUNG TL(6), WONG YMP(6), LAI CH(6), CHU MH(7)
Affiliation :
Introduction :
In line with the Framework for the Development of Medical Social Collaboration (MSC) in HA, various cluster-based MSC platforms have been established in NTWC with the involvement of representatives from NTWC hospitals, Government Departments, the academia and NGOs. Considering the situation of COVID-19 pandemic and a wide range of readily available community resources for patients affected by COVID-19, MSC Committees endorsed the implementation of a MSC project to develop structured and sustainable collaborative network with community partners on providing support to patients concerned.
Objectives :
1) To promote cross-sector collaboration and sharing on knowledge and experience in clinical advances and approaches to modern healthcare / social services related to COVID-19 2) To network community partners for providing sustainable community support to patients concerned
Methodology :
1) Preparation: Formed an Organising Committee with representatives from NTWC hospitals, universities, District Health Centres (DHCs), NGOs and patients for project planning and preparation. 2) Implementation: a. Networked community partners with COVID-19 related healthcare / social services for providing continuous support to patients concerned. b. Organised one and a half-day Symposium with specialists from different sectors and participants to share their views and experiences. c. Compiled an electronic resource kit on COVID-19 related information for patient empowerment. 3) Performance monitoring: a. Through survey and interview with stakeholders. b. With feedbacks received, reported to cluster-based MSC platforms for further deliberation and service planning.
Result & Outcome :
Over 800 stakeholders (HA staff from various disciplines: 90%; key community partners: 10%) were served. The project received very positive feedbacks. Comments suggested that it was a big milestone for setting up of DHCs with a brand new operation mode to promote primary healthcare to relieve the pressure on HA. However, there was still a big challenge for DHCs if patients’ mindset and behavior of seeking healthcare services unchanged. As such, there was a pressing need to foster MSC for providing timely, coordinated and patient-centred care through a structured collaborative network to better utilize existing services on supporting patients concerned.
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