COVID-19 Vaccine Allergy Triage Clinic in Family Medicine

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Abstract Description
Submission ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheng CS(1), Lee LH(1), Wang HL(1), Kwong SK(1), Ko WK(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Family Medicine and Primary Healthcare, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong West Cluster
Introduction :
COVID-19 pandemic has been posing a public health threat worldwide and leading to a negative impact across many aspects in daily living over the past few years.
Vaccination is proved to be effective in reducing serious complications and death from COVID-19, particularly among the immunocompromised and elderly. But inevitably adverse effects occur for some after vaccination, which may then deter them to carry on. Vaccine allergy is one of the main concerns. This triggered off a dramatic surge in demand to the only public allergy specialist clinic in Grantham Hospital (GH) and resulted in an unrealistically long waiting time for the referred patients.
Objectives :
To shorten waiting time and relieve the burden of Allergy clinic, specialists from Department of Family Medicine & Primary Healthcare, Hong Kong West Cluster (FM&PHC HKWC) are collaborating with allergy specialists to provide additional clinic sessions for the patients suffering from suspected allergic reactions and resultant worries after COVID-19 vaccination. After consultation, patients would be able to grasp a correct idea of their own condition, have their concerns addressed and receive advice on their future COVID-19 vaccination plan at an earlier time. Those considered fit to receive further doses would be encouraged to proceed.
Methodology :
A significant number of patients were referred to GH Allergy clinic for suspected post-COVID-19 vaccination allergic reactions from both private and public sectors. They were triaged to be seen by Family Medicine Specialists in Sai Ying Pun Family Medicine Specialist Clinic (FMSC). Additional sessions were arranged on certain weekday evenings and Saturday mornings from June to November 2022.

For each patient, post-vaccination history was thoroughly evaluated, hence, to determine types and severity of adverse rection. Their worries and misconceptions were also addressed. With reference to ‘Recommended Approach to COVID-19 Vaccine Allergy Safety (HKWC/HA version)’, their clinical conditions would be explained by Family Medicine doctors and be conveyed if it is suitable for future COVID-19 vaccine. Patients regarded as fit would be motivated to continue with the subsequent doses.
Result & Outcome :
From 29/6/2022 to 19/11/2022, 16 sessions were arranged with 346 patients being assessed. Only 17.6% (61/346) were concluded to suffer from severe COVID-19 vaccine related allergic or reactogenic reaction and considered unsuitable for future COVID-19 vaccination. A total of 66 Medical Exemption Certificates were issued (19.1%). Ultimately 78.9% (273/346) were considered fit for at least one of the COVID-19 vaccines available in Hong Kong and encouraged to receive further shots at the earliest time.
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