Parallel Session Theatre 2 invited abstract
16 May 2023 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM(Asia/Hong_Kong)
20230516T1115 20230516T1215 Asia/Hong_Kong Symposium 2 - Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Modern Healthcare

Symposium 2

Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Modern Healthcare

Session Chairman: Dr Eric CHEUNG, Cluster Chief Executive, Kowloon Central Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

S2.1 How Chinese Medicine Be Integrated in Various Stage of Cancer Therapy?

Prof CHEN Bing-zhong

Retired Professor, Chinese Medicine

S2.2 Study on the Effectiveness of Using Chinese Medicine for COVID-19 Patients' Rehabilitation – Hong Kong Evidence

Prof BIAN Zhao-xiang

Professor, Clinical Division (CLNC), School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Theatre 2 HA Convention 2023
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Symposium 2

Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Modern Healthcare

Session Chairman: Dr Eric CHEUNG, Cluster Chief Executive, Kowloon Central Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong

S2.1 How Chinese Medicine Be Integrated in Various Stage of Cancer Therapy?

Prof CHEN Bing-zhong

Retired Professor, Chinese Medicine

S2.2 Study on the Effectiveness of Using Chinese Medicine for COVID-19 Patients' Rehabilitation – Hong Kong Evidence

Prof BIAN Zhao-xiang

Professor, Clinical Division (CLNC), School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

How Chinese Medicine Be Integrated in Various Stage of Cancer Therapy?View Abstract
Speaker 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2023/05/16 03:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/16 04:15:00 UTC
Different traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practitioners have different strategy in the treatment of cancer. Some of them focus on killing cancer cells in the early stage of cancer when the overall condition of the patients is still good, and emphasize tonic only when the patients are very weak in the late stage of cancer. Practical effect is the only way to judge these ideas. From my clinical experience over half century, I believe that whether cancer is in the early, middle and late stages, Chinese medicine treatment should follows four principles throughout the all stages of cancer. The four principles are Anti-cancer, using tonic, symptomatic management and sustained treatment. In this presentation, the four principles are analyzed in theory as well as in clinical cases. Chinese medicine treatment emphasizes to toning up the body and improving immunity, not just attacking cancer cells. The purpose of treatment is to help the patients survive longer and improve their quality of life. Killing cancer cells is not a purpose but a way to reach the purpose. A lot of facts show that Chinese medicine itself has an impressive effect in the treatment of cancer compared with the outcome of western medical treatment described in the authoritative literatures of western medicine, Science needs open mind and respect facts. Traditional Chinese and Western medicine have their own strengths and weaknesses, and need to cooperate rather than exclude each other. The cooperation of TCM and western medicine may further improve the cancer treatment.

Study on the Effectiveness of Using Chinese Medicine for COVID-19 Patients’ Rehabilitation – Hong Kong EvidenceView Abstract
Speaker 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2023/05/16 03:15:00 UTC - 2023/05/16 04:15:00 UTC
Hong Kong experienced the fifth COVID-19 pandemic wave dominated by infection with the Omicron BA2.2 variant of SARS-CoV-2 beginning in early 2022. In response to the upsurge in confirmed cases since the Omicron outbreak, the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) established the HKBU Telemedicine Chinese Medicine Centre (HKBU-TCMC) in February 2022. Between 14 March to 6 May 2022, the HKBU-TCMC provided free consultations and treatments to 12950 non-hospitalized individuals who were infected with SARS-CoV-2. Our preliminary survey of the prevalence of long COVID among these 12950 subjects from disease onset until 9 months’ follow-up found that 57% (3855/6814) of responders suffered from post-COVID-19 conditions. Therefore, effective and safe therapeutics are urgently needed to manage long COVID. 

We conducted a multicenter observational study involving 150 participants who had COVID-19 and discharged from Hong Kong public hospitals. The findings indicated that participants’ clinical symptoms and lung functions had been significantly improved after Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) treatment. Currently, the “Everbright Care • Long COVID Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Programme” is underway in the Chinese medicine clinics of HKBU. The programme offers free consultation service and Chinese medicine treatment to aid individuals experiencing long COVID. Moreover, we are conducting a clinical trial which aims to examine the efficacy and safety of a Chinese herbal medicine formula (Shenlingcao oral solution) for treating long COVID-associated fatigue, and the recruitment is ongoing. 

As part of the healthcare system in Hong Kong, CHM has played a vital role in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of COVID-19. It suggests that CHM should be included in health policies and strategies, and should be recommended to the public.
Presenters Zhao-xiang BIAN 卞兆祥
Hong Kong Baptist University
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