Chan HS (1), Ho PYB (1), Kwok MLA (2), Yeung KL (3), Lee SCP (4), Yau CM (5), Chan SP (1), Chan TJ (6), Chau MCM (7), Chui ST (8), Lee CK (9), Yiu LPA (10), Chiu CSG (11).
(1) Central Nursing Division, Prince of Wales Hospital; (2) Central Nursing Division, Bradbury Hospital, Cheshire Home Shatin & Shatin Hospital (3) Central Nursing Division, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital & Tai Po Hospital (4) Central Nursing Division, North District Hospital (5) Private Unit, Prince of Wales Hospital; (6) Department of Orthopedics & Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital; (7) Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Prince of Wales Hospital; (8) Department of Surgery, Prince of Wales Hospital; (9) Department of Operation Theatre, Prince of Wales Hospital; (10) Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital; (11) Infection Control Team, Prince of Wales Hospital.

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